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UiAutomator and Watchers: Adding Async Robustness to UI Automation

"I'm looking over your shoulder... only because I've got your back." ~ Stephen Colbert

After my recent UiAutomator review a user brought up an important question about the use of UiWatcher. The watchers serve as async guardians of the test flow, making sure the odd dialog window doesn't completely frustrate your tests. Having a tool that automatically watches your back when you're focused on the functional flow of your tests is awesome. 100% pure awesomesauce. Since the API documentation on watchers is scant and the UI Testing tutorial on the Android dev guide doesn't cover their use in depth, I figured I should add a post here that goes over a simple scenario demonstrating how to use this fundamentally important UI automation tool.

In my example code below, I'm using uiautomator to launch the API Demo app (meaning run this against an Emulator built in API level 17 - I used the Galaxy Nexus image included in the latest ADT and platform tools). The test clicks down to the Alert Dialogs demo and automatically handles one of the dialogs popping up. It isn't a very legit test scenario but admittedly that's less the point than simply demonstrating the application of UiWatchers.

If I were testing the dialog itself, this could be a simple specification in BDD style:

  • Given the API Demo app on an emulator at API level 17
  • When I click on the first two OK Cancel dialog demo buttons
  • It Should display an OK Cancel dialog
However, if I were testing some other function in the UI and there were a random chance of the dialog to appear, I wouldn't assert the dialog in my test flow because it could happen at any time. UiWatchers function by registering undesired but potential conditions and the uiautomator runner checks the registered watchers with its checkForCondition() method. This happens whenever you create UiObjects or UiCollections or update or evaluate them. This means that anytime you're trying to capture the UI and create/update/evaluate elements of the UI, the UiWatchers will have your back if something in your flow goes sideways.

Your watchers are managed by the UiDevice class The typical logic flow for implementing watchers follows this pattern:
  1. Define new watcher
  2. Register your watcher
  3. Run your watcher
The UiDevice class allows for much more watcher management than those three steps but those are the minimum necessary to get you there. 

So on to the demo. 

I've tried to be verbose in my comments to help walk you through what I'm doing but if you want to see it yourself, simply follow the setup steps in the UI Testing demo on the dev guide and paste this code in (adjusting as needed to adapt it to your environment). Secondly you'll need to launch an emulator set up with API level 17 to get the full chewy goodness of the latest accessibility and uiautomator APIs. Finally, you should follow the build and deploy steps in the dev guide and run it. If you want extra insight into how the UiWatcher is being called, add logging at line 67 just before creating the okCancelDialog UiObject. This will show you how often the runner is checking conditions with this watcher. It is pretty fascinating (and reassuring).

package com.watcherDemoTests;
import android.util.Log;
public class WatcherDemoTestExample1 extends UiAutomatorTestCase {
private static final String LOG_TAG = "WatcherDemoEx1";
private static final String MYOKCANCELDIALOGWATCHER_STRING = "OkCancelDialogWatcher";
public void testWatcherDemoTestExample1() throws UiObjectNotFoundException {
Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Starting our test!");
// Simulate a short press on the HOME button based on the sample test case:
// We're now on the home screen. Launch the All Apps screen.
UiObject allAppsButton = new UiObject(new UiSelector().description("Apps"));
// Simulate a click to bring up the All Apps screen.
// In the All Apps screen, the Snow Report app should be in the Apps tab
// assuming it is installed prior to starting this test
UiObject appsTab = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text("Apps"));
// Simulate a click to enter the Apps tab.;
// Next, in the apps tabs, we can simulate a user swiping until they
// come across the Snow Report app icon. Again, swiped from the
// sample test case.
UiScrollable appViews = new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true));
// Set the swiping mode to horizontal (the default is vertical)
// This is only compatible with API lvl 17. Short of that it will crash
// with a "method not found" failure.
// Create a UiSelector to find the Snow Report app and simulate
// a user click to launch the app.
UiObject apiDemoApp = appViews.getChildByText(new UiSelector().className(android.widget.TextView.class.getName()), "API Demos");
// This concludes the section devoted to simply launching the app. //
// Define watcher
UiWatcher okCancelDialogWatcher = new UiWatcher() {
public boolean checkForCondition() {
UiObject okCancelDialog = new UiObject(new UiSelector().textStartsWith("Lorem ipsum"));
Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Found the example OK/Cancel dialog");
UiObject okButton = new UiObject(new UiSelector().className("android.widget.Button").text("OK"));
try {;
} catch (UiObjectNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return (okCancelDialog.waitUntilGone(25000));
return false;
// Register watcher
UiDevice.getInstance().registerWatcher(MYOKCANCELDIALOGWATCHER_STRING, okCancelDialogWatcher);
// Run watcher
* This test demonstrates UiAutomator Watchers using the Emulator's
* API Demos App/Alert Dialogs
* With this, the watcher will be set in advance to identify when
* an alert dialog is present and cancel it. The test will click
* on at least one item in the list.
// Get Api Demos list
UiCollection apiDemoList = new UiCollection(new UiSelector().className("android.widget.ListView"));
// Click on App
UiObject appTextView = apiDemoList.getChildByText(new UiSelector()
// Get App demo list
UiCollection appDemoList = new UiCollection(new UiSelector().className("android.widget.ListView"));
// Click on Alert Dialogs
UiObject alertDialogTextView = appDemoList.getChildByText(new UiSelector()
.className(android.widget.TextView.class.getName()), "Alert Dialogs");
// Click on button with text "OK Cancel dialog with a message"
UiObject okCancelDialogButton1 = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text("OK Cancel dialog with a message"));;
// Click on button with text "OK Cancel dialog with a long message"
// This is where the watcher should save our bacon. Yes, this is a poorly written test case, I know.
// Just go with me here, I'm making a point about Watchers. If the dialog from the previous button
// press is still in place, this new selector will fail to find an object containing that text.
// Because the watcher is there, the dialog gets closed and we're all good.
UiObject okCancelDialogButton2 = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text("OK Cancel dialog with a long message"));;


  1. Ah, I see! Thank you for that example!

  2. Do you know how to use constants, variables, methods from the other Class(.java) which extends UiAutomatorTestCase?

    - (to be run)
    - (to be used, has screen width, height constants and unlock() method, etc.)

  3. How can I check launch of an activity (which needs password to proceed) when that activity may or may not be launched depending upon the time the password was entered. For ex: if I entered password then that activity will not be launched till 10 minutes.. So If I have to automate checking of launch of that activity to enter password, how can I do that ?

  4. That depends entirely on how long-running you want your test to be but for any asynchronous behavior the appropriate method in the new UIAutomator tools is to set up a UiWatcher. These are extremely useful and I highly recommend following the steps in the Tutorial I linked above to try out using watchers yourself. In your case you should create a watcher that is triggered by something unique to the activity you're checking for.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Can i run the uiautomator command "adb shell uiautomator runtest LaunchSettings.jar -c" from an android application (for example on a button click) when I have already pushed the jar at /data/local/tmp/ location ?

    1. Just a quick trip to Google found the following:

      That should get you started and you won't even need to bother with the steps to manage sys directory access since your JAR lives in a more accessible space.

  7. Hi Russell,

    Have you happened to run UIAutomator tests as a suite. For instance I want to test only log in related scenarios. In the example on developer.androdid the show how to deploy and run only one test.

    Thank you,

    1. Holy wow, sorry for the late reply.

      The way to run only log-in related scenarios is to collect them into classes and pass -e class flags to uiautomator. If you really want to hate life, you can drill all the way down to the method level and pass a space-separated list.

      the uiautomator help content reads as follows under usage:

      shell@android:/ $ uiautomator -help
      Usage: uiautomator [options]

      Available subcommands:

      help: displays help message

      runtest: executes UI automation tests
      runtest [options]
      : < -c | -e class >
      : a list of jar files containing test classes and dependencies. If
      the path is relative, it's assumed to be under /data/local/tmp. Use
      absolute path if the file is elsewhere. Multiple files can be
      specified, separated by space.
      : a list of test class names to run, separated by comma. To
      a single method, use TestClass#testMethod format. The -e or -c option
      may be repeated. This option is not required and if not provided then
      all the tests in provided jars will be run automatically.
      --nohup: trap SIG_HUP, so test won't terminate even if parent process
      is terminated, e.g. USB is disconnected.
      -e debug [true|false]: wait for debugger to connect before starting.
      -e runner [CLASS]: use specified test runner class instead. If
      unspecified, framework default runner will be used.
      -e : other name-value pairs to be passed to test classes.
      May be repeated.
      -e outputFormat simple | -s: enabled less verbose JUnit style output.

      dump: creates an XML dump of current UI hierarchy
      dump [file]
      [file]: the location where the dumped XML should be stored, default is

      events: prints out accessibility events until terminated

  8. Hi Russel,

    How to achieve long press in UiAutomator?


    1. Goku,

      For a given UiObject with a criteria set, such as .textContains(), e.g. something like:

      "UiObject fooBar = UiObjectnew UiObject(new UiSelector().FooCriteria)"

      You can try to do fooBar.longClick() to simulate a long click, or one of its variants. This method often fails for whatever reason, however. You might achieve greater success using the swipe() method. This is discussed on stackoverflow:

  9. Hi Russel,

    Request you to let me know the way to capture the logs simultaneously in an automated way while the uiautomator test case is running. I want to capture all the device logs for each of my test case seperately. As of now I am doing this manually. Initially I thought of using "adb logcat -d" after the execution of each test case. But this will loose some logs due to limited buffer size on the device.


    1. Hi Udish,

      I have recently published a tool UIautomator-bot which does exactly what you need. Please check out the project here at

      Hope this will help you.

    2. Hi Syed,

      I have missed your response and so unfortunately have missed to use an awesome tool. I just started using it and my first comment on your tool is
      "AWESOME". Thanks for pointing me to it.

  10. Hi Udish,
    If you're willing to do a little more digging, I'd suggest looking up how to execute shell commands from within JUnit on Android and use the logcat commands directly from within your setup() and tearDown() methods for your tests (e.g. clear the log, save the current log using the test method name and a timestamp, etc). I'm using shell commands from within my own app to do things like clear app data, stop all services, relaunch using specific parameters. I'll publish an article soon describing all of this too.

    1. Actually, I realized that the relevant commands for Logcat are blocking commands so it isn't entirely that simple. I wound up solving this in a different way in my test job on my CI server. I'm working on a post describing how I did this and the value of really good logging soon.

  11. Is there a way to use watchers to avoid using wait() statements?

    1. I'm sure it is possible but that's really not what they're supposed to be for in the first place. Watchers are still matchers but they're only triggered when an element your test case is expecting isn't found. The test runner will then cascade through all registered UiWatchers to see if any of them evaluate positively.If none of them do, the test case fails with a UiElementNotFound exception.

      If you really want to get speed-optimized UI test automation going, I'd recommend a couple things:
      1) disable animations in your developer settings on your device (unless those are specifically required by your test scenarios)
      2) use Espresso instead of UiAutomator as your test framework. It was specifically built to handle asynchronous behavior and eliminate wait() calls slowing down test execution.

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"Drunkenness does not create vice; it merely brings it into view" ~Seneca So Jelly Bean 4.2 landed with much fanfare and tucked in amongst the neat new OS and SDK features (hello, multi-user tablets!) was this little gem for testers: UiAutomator.jar. I have it on good authority that it snuck in amongst the updates in the preview tools and OS updates sometime around 4.1 with r3 of the platform. As a code-monkey of a tester, I was intrigued. One of the best ways Google can support developers struggling with platform fragmentation is to make their OS more testable so I hold high hopes with every release to see effort spent in that area. I have spent a couple days testing out the new UiAutomator API  and the best way I can think of describing it is that Android's JUnit and MonkeyRunner got drunk and had a code baby. Let me explain what I mean before that phrase sinks down into "mental image" territory. JUnit, for all its power and access to every interface, e...

Why Developers Shouldn't Perform Software Testing - A Rebuttal

Take a minute and read the following 2-pager entitled " Guest View: Why developers shouldn’t perform software testing ". Man, I tried to like this article because the author, Martin Mudge, clearly knows that businesses who undervalue quality by trying to eliminate testing through simply shuffling the traditional testing task to developers are making a huge mistake. Unfortunately he begins by making an assertion that testing overburdens a developer which at face value is complete nonsense. If you feel overburdened, it is a timeline issue and that is true no matter WHAT the nature of the tasking is.  So his assertion of “one the most important” contributing factors being overburdening the developers is massively flawed. It gets immediately worse from there because his second point is about time constraints.  Mr Mudge just gets so much wrong. What he really should be shooting down is the idea that testing, as a cost-center not as a task, can be eliminated by having your p...